Bonjour à tous!
This Friday, both the Spanish and French classes at the Davis Art Center will be having a holiday party! Parents are, of course, more than welcome to join us (we would love it if you came!). If you would like to bring snacks to share as well, that would be fantastic.
Hope to see you there!
TALK is a parent-run non-profit dedicated to offering second-language classes for elementary school-aged kids in Davis, California. This blog is written by the teachers, to offer glimpses into the children's adventures in language learning.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Ultima Semana
Hola a todos/todas!!!
We have come to the last week before our Navidad break. Since the holidays are coming, we'll be working on FOOD!!! Yummi... Que rico!
I'll be emailing you queridos padres about the details on our week lesson as well as on our break party on Friday.
By now, here's some vocabulary, which we'll be learning this week, that you might practice at home at meal times with your kids:
Lunes: Pan (bread), leche (milk), jugo (juice), agua (water), azucar (sugar), sal (salt), galletas (cookies), queso (chese).
Martes: Fresa (strawberry), uvas (grapes), tomate (tomate), piña (pineapple), durazno (peach), naranja (orange), pera (pear).
Miercoles: Brocoli (broccoli), pepino (cucumber), maiz (corn), lechuga (lettuce), cebolla (onion), frijol (bean), zanahoria (carrot).
Jueves: Desayuno (breakfast), almuerzo (lunch), cena (dinner).
Viernes: Review.
Also, here are some fun pictures from our art project on last Friday on the lesson on animals. Each child chose an animal to create a costume (now, please keep on mind we only had 30 minutes to work on it). Some children created their own mask to take home and others preferred to use a premade mask from our TALK material, but they worked on other parts like their feet. Of course, they had to write or say their animal name in Spanish in order to have their picture taken. Can you can please share these pictures with your kids? They were very excited about the pictures being published online. They'll enjoy them!
We have come to the last week before our Navidad break. Since the holidays are coming, we'll be working on FOOD!!! Yummi... Que rico!
I'll be emailing you queridos padres about the details on our week lesson as well as on our break party on Friday.
By now, here's some vocabulary, which we'll be learning this week, that you might practice at home at meal times with your kids:
Lunes: Pan (bread), leche (milk), jugo (juice), agua (water), azucar (sugar), sal (salt), galletas (cookies), queso (chese).
Martes: Fresa (strawberry), uvas (grapes), tomate (tomate), piña (pineapple), durazno (peach), naranja (orange), pera (pear).
Miercoles: Brocoli (broccoli), pepino (cucumber), maiz (corn), lechuga (lettuce), cebolla (onion), frijol (bean), zanahoria (carrot).
Jueves: Desayuno (breakfast), almuerzo (lunch), cena (dinner).
Viernes: Review.
Also, here are some fun pictures from our art project on last Friday on the lesson on animals. Each child chose an animal to create a costume (now, please keep on mind we only had 30 minutes to work on it). Some children created their own mask to take home and others preferred to use a premade mask from our TALK material, but they worked on other parts like their feet. Of course, they had to write or say their animal name in Spanish in order to have their picture taken. Can you can please share these pictures with your kids? They were very excited about the pictures being published online. They'll enjoy them!
Oveja (sheep) & Guepardo (cheetah) |
Conejo & Caballo (he also had a silla on his back for mounting the horse of course) |
Guepardo (cheetah) with new pies |
conejo (rabbit) |
cabra (goat) |
ballena (whale) |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Dos ultimas semanas
Hola otra vez a todos!!!
I was absent from the blog for some time due to my hectic school work. Since we started sending the envelopes weekly, it wasn't so necessary to publish their work on this blog. Anyway, for those who are still following the blog here are some 'oldies' from previous work from November. These work samples are from our lessons on opuestos/opposites, estaciones/seasons, & familia/family. I was impressed with the creativity and problem solving skills of my students. Look up closely to the pictures, and you'll find out why...
Alee |
Luca |
Alee |
Ken |
David |
We have only two weeks left! Can you believe it?
As you read on my last email, this week we are working on animals. And, we are having fun! Today, we worked in farm animals, and the children had to present three oral clues, so we could guess what animal they had on their card. Some weeks the envelopes will have less work samples, but that doesn't mean we worked less; on the contrary, it means we were working on other areas such as: kinesthetic & speaking activities.
Next week, we'll work on food just on time for the holidays yummi-to-come days! hmmm...
I'll be emailing more details for that week.
Nos divertiremos!!!
Thank you so much for your support, your ideas and comments in your emails or in person. I had fun working with your children, and hope to see them again after the break!
Happy holidays!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
'Mis pequeños' training to be zombies during the month of October. They followed my directions one by one totally in Spanish. For instance, I said "right arm in front and up, and right hands fingers down. Neck to the right. Left leg in front. Eyes looking up. Tongue pointing down. Left shoulder up, etc."
They really liked this game, they wanted to see how good they look, so I took a pic :)
They really liked this game, they wanted to see how good they look, so I took a pic :)
Dear T.A.L.K Parents,
It is very exciting to witness how your child can easily pick up a Spanish so effortlessly.
We personally think that the basic foundation of Spanish language is to master all the phonetic sounds. We noticed within the first week your child had learned the vowel sounds and most of the consonant letter sounds in Spanish. He/She can now identify correctly most mono-syllable sounds. The great thing about Spanish phonetic sounds is that they “never” change! So we hope that they will end the program well equipped to be able to speak and sound, read and write, and figure out new words and meanings in Spanish!!
We also had introduced phrases and vocabulary that we will be using in the classroom to follow directions in Spanish. We had worked with different themes each week, introducing new vocabulary that eventually will help forming complete sentences.
We have prepared also a list of websites' links that you can use at home with your child to keep practicing phonetics, reading, comprehension, and new vocabulary. The links will be both share in this blog and had been emailed to you for easier access. In addition, your child will take home a package that we have prepared. But, just in case that it does not make it to home, we are attaching an electric copy.
Thanks to the parents that had stay in the classroom with us, you are welcome to stay anytime. And we are happy to hear from you, especially any suggestions that you think can help you child in the classroom.
Anabel De Krogstad & Andrea Cervantes.
T.A.L.K Spanish @ Birch Lane
a e i
o u
a b
c d e
f g
i j k
l m n ñ o p
q r
t u v
w x
y z
Ba be bi
bo bu
Que ke Ce se
Qui ki Ci si
Da de di
do du
Fa fe fi fo fu
Gue ge je
Gui gi ji
Ha he hi
ho hu
Ja je ji
jo ju
Ka ke ki
ko ku
La le li
lo lu
Ma me mi
mo mu
Na ne ne
no un
Ña ñe ñi
ño ñu
Pa pe pi
po pu
Que Qui
Ra re ri
ro ru
Sa se si
so su
Ta te ti
to tu
Va ve vi
vo vu
Wa we
wi wo wu
Xa xe
xi xo xu
Ya ye yi
yo yu
Za ze zi
zo zu
Sílabas compuestas
Cha che chi
cho chu
Bla ble bli
blo blu
Cla cle cli
clo clu
Fla fle fli
flo flu
Gla gle gli
glo glu
Kla kle kli
klo klu
Pla ple pli
plo plu
Tla tle tli
tlo tlu
Bra bre bri
bro bru
Cra cre cri
cro cru
Dra dre dri
dro dru
Fra fre fri
fro fru
Gra gre gri
gro gru
Kra kre kri
kro kru
Pra pre pri
pro pru
Tra tre tri
tro tru
Al el il
ol ul
An en
in on un
Ar er
ir or ur
As es
is os us
lla lle lli
llo llu
rra rre rri
rro rru
Ejercicios foneticos
man - men - min - mon - mun
ban - ben - bin - bon - bun
bar - ber - bir - bor - bur
Flar - fler - flir - flor - flur
Chas - ches - chis - chos - chus
Laj - Lej - Lij - Loj - Luj
Tram - trem - trim - trom - trum
Nac - nec -
nic - noc - nuc
Pal - pel - pil - pol - pul
Tad - ted - tid - tod - tud
Blar - bler - blir - blor - blur
Tap - tep - tip - top - tup
- Colors colors_es/color_es.php (at the top of the page there are tabs 1, 2, 3,... check out each)
- Shapes shapes_es/shape_match_es.php (at the top of the page there are tabs 1, 2, 3,... check out each)
- Vowels, colors, shapes (Phonetic and writing) if your child is ready to be challenge: phonics_es/ph_vowels_es.php (at the top of the page there are tabs 1, 2, 3,... check out each)
- Video links to practice Spanish phonetics (mono-syllables) by Discovery en Español.
El abecedario:
Letter “D”
da de di do du
Letter “F” fa fe fi fo fu
Letter “J” ja je ji jo ju
Letter “L”
la le li lo lu
Letter “M” ma me mi mo mu
Letter “N” na ne ni no nu
Letter “T” ta te ti to tu
Letter “P” pa pe pi po pu
Letter “Q” que qui
Letter “S” sa se si so su
Letter “V” va ve vi vo vu
Letter “C”and “M” sounds ce ci
man me
Sound “CL” cla clo
Sound “GLU”
Letter “Y”
Sounds “FL” fla fle fli flo flu & “GL” gla gle gli glo glu
- Practicing sound, building vocabulary and reading full sentences
Pa pe pi po pu
Sa se si so su
Numbers Números
Números 11-20
Números 21-30
Números 31-40
Dias de la semana
Los meses del año / months of the year
Los vegetales / vegetables
Basic Phrases / frases básicas