As you know this Thursday January 28 is the end of our first semester, and our New TALK Spanish Classes would start on February 1st, please do not forget to enroll your student. I hope most of my students would join me for this upcoming semester.
This past week 01/19-21/2016, we learned about school objects and supplies found in the classroom. Here is the vocabulary list that we went over.
New vocabulary: Classroom/school supplies for Tuesday;
1. salón de clase (aula)
2. computadora = computer
3. calendario = calendar
4. ventana = window
5. pared = wall
6. mapa = map
7. puerta = door
8. televisión – television
9. teléfono = telephone
10. mesa = table
11. luz = light
12. bandera = flag
13. cartel = poster
14. cesta/ la basura = trashcan
15. reloj = clock
16. sacapuntas =pencil sharpener
17. fregadero = sink
For Wednesday.
1. armario = closet
2. jabón = soap
3. toallas = towels
4. piso/ suelo =floor
5. silla = chair
6. pupitre = student
7. pizarrón/ la pizarra = whiteboard/chalkboard
8. la cinta = tape
9. tijeras =scissors
10. pegamento = glue
11. engrapadora = stapler
And for Thrusday we had a memory game, where students had to write ten words in Spanish, if they spell them right, they would each get one point for each word.