Nuestro "Libro de comida"
We started second semester by learning new food vocabulary in Spanish. Our class was first introduced to frutas y vegetales (fruits and vegetables). For this activity we cut out images from grocery store ads and used them to make our own Libro de comida (Food Book).
Frutas: Durazno, Fresa, Naranja, Limón, Tomate |
We also learned "Meal vocabulary" such as: desayuno (breakfast), almuerzo (lunch), cena (dinner), postre (dessert) y bocadillos (snacks).
Once we finished our booklets, we shared with our classmates and read to each other what we wrote. Some of us wrote about our favorite foods, vegetables and fruits. While others wrote descriptions of each item.
We are excited to take our books home and share with our parents. |
Palabras de vocabulario:
Frutas Verduras Carne Lácteos
manzana brocoli carne de res leche
sandía zanahoria carne de cerdo queso
durazno apio carne molida mantequilla
fresa calabacita pollo helado
naranja espárragos pavo yogurt