Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ultima Semana

Hola a todos/todas!!!

We have come to the last week before our Navidad break. Since the holidays are coming, we'll be working on FOOD!!! Yummi... Que rico!

I'll be emailing you queridos padres about the details on our week lesson as well as on our break party on Friday.

By now, here's some vocabulary, which we'll be learning this week, that you might practice at home at meal times with your kids:

Lunes: Pan (bread), leche (milk), jugo (juice), agua (water), azucar (sugar), sal (salt), galletas (cookies), queso (chese).
Martes: Fresa (strawberry), uvas (grapes), tomate (tomate), piƱa (pineapple), durazno (peach), naranja (orange), pera (pear).
Miercoles: Brocoli (broccoli), pepino (cucumber), maiz (corn), lechuga (lettuce), cebolla (onion), frijol (bean), zanahoria (carrot).
Jueves: Desayuno (breakfast), almuerzo (lunch), cena (dinner).
Viernes: Review.

Also, here are some fun pictures from our art project on last Friday on the lesson on animals. Each child chose an animal to create a costume (now, please keep on mind we only had 30 minutes to work on it). Some children created their own mask to take home and others preferred to use a premade mask from our TALK material, but they worked on other parts like their feet. Of course, they had to write or say their animal name in Spanish in order to have their picture taken. Can you can please share these pictures with your kids? They were very excited about the pictures being published online. They'll enjoy them!

Oveja (sheep) & Guepardo (cheetah)

Conejo & Caballo (he also had a silla on his back for mounting the horse of course)

Guepardo (cheetah) with new pies

conejo (rabbit)

cabra (goat)

ballena (whale)

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