Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Beginning Spanish, Birch Lane

Hola padres!

I wanted to do a brief recap of what we have been doing in Spanish class these last couple of months! All of your children are always cheerful and intelligent; it is my pleasure to work with each one of them. Here are a few of the vocabulary words they have learned, hope it helps you practice Spanish with your children! J

Los colores

Amarillo = Yellow
Anaranjado/naranja = Orange
Azul = Blue
Morado = Purple
Verde = Green
Café = Brown
Rosa = Pink
Blanco = White
Negro = Black
Dorado = Gold
Plateado = Silver

Las figuras

Circulo = circle
Triangulo = triangle
Rectangulo = rectangle
Diamante = diamond
Trapezoide = trapezoid
Cilindro = cylinder
Estrella = star
Corazón = heart
Ovalo = oval
Hexagono = hexagon
Pentagono = pentagon
Octagono = octagon

Los números

1 = uno                                                  
2 = dos
3 = tres
4 = cuatro
5 = cinco
6 = seis
7 = siete
8 = ocho
9 = nueve
10 = diez                                                 
11 = once
12 = doce
13 = trece
14 = catorce
15 = quince
16 = dieciseis
17 = diecisiete
18 = dieciocho
19 = diecinueve
20 = veinte
21 = veintiuno
22 = ventidos
23 = veintitres
24 = veinticuatro
25 = veinticinco
26 = veintiseis
27 = veintisiete
28 = veintiocho
29 = veintinueve
30 treinta

40 = cuarenta
50 = cincuenta

Los útiles

Tijeras = scissors
Papel = paper
Lápiz = pencil
Lapicera/pluma/bolígrafo = pen
Colores = colors
Borrador = eraser
Marcadores = markers
Carpeta = folder
Cuadernos/libreta = notebook
Libros = books
Pegamento/resistol = glue

Los animales

Gato = cat
Perro = dog
Caballo = horse
Tortuga = turtle
Oso = bear
Aguila = eagle
Ballena = whale
Tigre = tiger
Lobo = wolf
Delfin = dolphin
Pingüino = penguin
Pájaro = bird
Pez = fish
Jirafa = giraffe

La comida

Frutas/Verduras = fruits/vegetables
Manzana = apple
Piña = pineapple
Pera = pear
Uvas = grapes
Duraznos = peaches
Fresas = strawberries
Platanos = banans
Tomates = tomatoes
Pepinos = cucumber
Cebolla = onion
Col = cabbage
Lechuga = lettuce
Espinaca = spinach

El desayuno = breakfast
Huevos = eggs
Leche = milk
Pan tostado = toasted bread
Jugo de naranja = orange juice
Jugo de manzana = apple juice
Salchicha = sausage
Tocino = bacon
Jamón = ham

Las partes del cuerpo = body parts
Cabeza = head
Hombros = shoulders
Rodillas = knees
Pies = feet
Ojos = eyes
Cejas = eyebrows
Nariz = nose
Orejas = ears
Boca = mouth
Manos = hands
Dedos = fingers
Brazos = arms
Codo = elbow
Piernas = legs


La familia = family

Hermana = sister
Hermano = brother
Primo (male cousin)
Prima (female cousin)
Abuela = grandma
Abuelo = grandpa
Tío = uncle
Tía = aunt
Hijo = son
Hija = daughter

Las estaciones = seasons

Primavera = spring
Verano = summer
Otoño = Autum
Invierno = Winter
Flores = flowers
Árboles = trees
Calor = heat
Helado/frío = cold
Lluvia = rain
Hojas = leaves
Copo de nieve  = snowflake
Nieve = snow

Mono de nieve = snowman

-Maestra Elisa

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