Thursday, January 30, 2020

Birch Lane Intermediate Spanish - End of Semester Post!


This month we have learned a lot of new vocabulary, including adjectives, verbs, body parts, the five senses, and feelings. 

This week, the students labeled drawings with the various body parts. We also learned how to sing "Head, shoulders, knees and toes" in Spanish.

cabeza - head

hombros - shoulders

rodillas- knees

pies - feet

ojos - eyes

orejas - ears

boca - mouth

nariz - nose

cabello - hair

piernas - legs

brazos - arms

manos - hands

dedos - fingers

cejas - eyeborws

mejillas - cheeks

cuello - neck

dedos de los pies - toes

We also learned the five senses and the students had fun smelling different scents and eating donuts.

oler - smell

ver - see

escuchar - hear

probar - taste

tocar - touch

hermoso/hermosa - beautiful

feo/fea - ugly

gordo/gorda - fat

delgado/delgada - thin

amable - nice

alto/alta - tall 

pequeño/pequeña - short

triste - sad

feliz- happy

cansado/cansada - tired

emocionado/emocionada - excited

enojado/enojada - angry

asustado/asustada -scared

avergonzado/avergonzada - embarrassed

enfermo - sick

bien - fine

listo/lista - ready

aburrido - bored

ser - be

sentir - feel

tener - to have

We had a great month and I am excited to continue teaching the students new vocabulary next semester!


Cynthia Macias

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