Bonjour parents!
Since coming back into the program from vacation, we have been going over two of the most popular subjects - clothes and food! Below are the lists of words, some videos, cultural information and other resources for this 3 day weekend.
(Les vêtements)
Pants un pantalon Shoes des chaussures
Jeans un jean Socks des chaussettes
Shorts un short Jacket une veste/un blouson
Skirt une jupe Overcoat un manteau
Dress une robe Bathing Suit un maillot de bain
Men's Shirt une chemise Sandals des sandales
Women's Shirt (Blouse) un chemisier Sweater un pull
Suit (Male) un costume Boots des bottes
Suit (Female) un tailleur Gloves des gants
Earmuffs un cache-oreilles Scarf une écharpe/une cache colle
Shirt un tee-shirt Makeup le maquillage
(Cacher - to hide, thus the words for earmuffs and scarf involve "hiding" the respective parts of the body [ears and neck])
These are some really good pages for practicing both recognition of the above vocab (and more) as well as pronunciation!!
Exercises 1 - Men's Clothes
Exercises 2 - Women's Clothing
Exercises 3 - Winter Clothing
Below is a link to a series of videos regarding shopping at a French department store Printemps (Side note: if you are ever in Paris, the view from the top of Printemps is marvelous!There's a café where you can grab lunch and see the city from high up. Plus, you can get some good shopping done!)
FOOD - la nourriture
Videos: The Very Hungry Caterpillar in French
Téléfrancais (je suis un ananas!)
Food Vocabulary
There are a lot of vocabulary words for food - so be prepared!
A MEAL = un repas BREAKFAST = le petit-déjeuner LUNCH = le déjeuner DINNER = le dîner
** The word entrée in French refers to an appetizer, not the main dish. Also, the French breakfast is much different than ours. They primarily eat omelettes and crêpes for dinner and have bread with cheese, jam, butter, nutella, etc for breakfast. My personal French breakfast favorite is a pain au chocolat (a croissant with chocolate in it, and the ones at Starbucks don't even begin to compare to those in France!!) French people typically have their favorite Pâtisserie/boulangerie that they visit nearly every day to pick up delicious fresh bread and pastries. Their stores are not like ours where they walk in and can buy everything at one place, though there are supermarchés like that it is more often that you would walk to the pâtisserie (pastries), boulangerie (bakery, bread) la boucherie (meat), le marché (outdoor market), la crémerie (dairy), la fromagerie (cheese), etc...
All of the above information is stuff I didn't have time to go over in class, but the kids may be interested in.
Rick Steves on Paris Street Shopping
Fruits les fruits
Cherry une cerise Apple une pomme Orange une orange
Raspberry une framboise Banana une banane Pineapple un ananas
Strawberry une fraise Blueberries des myrtilles Pear une poire
Lemon un citron Lime un citron vert Pomegranate une grenade
EXERCISES FOR FRUITS - includes new words
Vegetables les légumes
Cucumber le concombre Broccoli le brocoli Spinach les épinards
Lettuce la laitue Carrots les carottes Radish le radis
Onion l'oignon Celery le céleri Potato une pomme de terre
Peas les petits pois Green Beans les haricots verts Pumpkin la citrouille
EXERCISES FOR VEGETABLES - includes new words
Drinks les boissons
Water l'eau Juice (orange juice, apple juice) le jus (d'orange, de pomme)
Sparkling Water l'eau gazeuse Hot Chocolate le chocolate chaud Iced Tea le thé glacé
Soda le soda Smoothie un smoothie Tea le thé
Coffee le café Lemonade la limonade
Bread le pain Crepes les crêpes Croissants les croissants Fries les frites
Spices les épices Salt le sel Pepper le poivre
Meat la viande Chicken le poulet Pork le porc Steak le steak Ham le jambon
Eggs les oeufs Butter le beurre Milk le lait
Rice le riz Spaghetti les spaghetti Pasta les pâtes
Salad la salade Soup la soupe Sandwich un sandwich
Desserts les desserts
Pie une tarte Ice Cream la glace
French Desserts
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Do you want.....? Tu veux......?
I would like.... Je voudrais....
A cheesy video about ordering in a café
I encourage you to read about French food from the links below:
Food and Eating - About France
Rick Steves - Eating in France
More details about meals
Top 10 Foods in Paris (This one made my mouth water!)
Here are some more activities:
French Food Activities (Warning: the page is brightly colored, and kind of hurt my eyes - just beware)
Pinterest French Food!
Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé ces sites formidables, qui m'ont donné quelques idées pour les semaines à venir!