Friday, January 9, 2015

Beginning Spanish - Birch Lane

¡Hola Padres!

These past weeks your children have learned a bunch en español! I am excited to share with you a few pictures of their work, and what they have learning here in Spanish class! :)

(The picture above was meant to be in the last blog I shared with you when they were learning body parts) 

The kids have learned various topics in these past 4 weeks such as: animals, family, thanksgiving, seasons, days of the week, holidays, and this week we are learning the months of the year! I will be sharing with you the vocabulary just like in the last blog, so you practice Spanish with your children at home. I encourage you to ask them to share with you their work and to share what they've learned, remember the more they practice the more they learn :) !

Animals: mascotas - pets: gato (cat), perro (dog), perico (parrot), hámster (hamster) pez (fish), conejillo de indias (guinea pig), gallina (hen), conejito (bunny).
Zoo and sea animals: ballena (whale), delfin (dolphin), pulpo (octopus), oso (bear), serpiente (serpent), cocodrilo (crocodile), panda (panda), koala (koala).

Family and Thanksgiving: Familia, papá, mamá, hermana (sister) hermano (brother) prima (girl cousin) primo (boy cousin) abuelo (grandfather) abuela (grandmother) tío (uncle) tea (aunt) hija (daughter) hijo (son). Día de acción de gracias (thanksgiving) pavo (turkey) cena (dinner) reunión familiar (family reunion).

Days of the week and Holidays: Semana (week) domingo (Sunday) lunes (Monday) martes (Tuesday)   miércoles (Wednesday) jueves (Thursday) viernes (Friday) sábado (Saturday). Año nuevo (New Year's) luces y árbol de navidad (Christmas lights and tree) Janucá (Hanukkah) fiestas festivas (Holidays) esferas (spheres) copo de nieve (snowflake) ayer (yesterday) hoy (today) mañana (tomorrow).

Seasons: Estaciones (seasons) primavera (spring) flores (flowers) árboles (trees) sol (sun) nubes (clouds) arco-iris (rainbow), verano (summer) calor (heat) helados (ice cream) vacaciones (vacation) alberca/piscina (pool), otoño (Autumn/Fall) hojas (leaves) lluvia (rain), invierno (winter) mono de nieve (snowman) frío (cold) días festivos (holidays) 

Months of the year: Enero (January) febrero (febuary) marzo (March) abril (April) mayo (May) junio (June) julio (July) agosto (August) septiembre (September) octubre (October) noviembre (November) diciembre (December). 

 That's all for now, thank you for your time and for allowing me to teach your children. They are always very fun and make the class feel alive even though it's really early, gracias!

-Maestra Elisa

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