Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Intermediate ASL St James

Happy Holidays, everyone!

We had fun this month of December learning signs for holidays such as "Merry Christmas, Happy Hannuak, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, etc.

The students created cute Christmas trees!

Have a GREAT break and I will see you back on January 6th! 

Teacher Sarah :) 

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mid December Beginner French

Bonjour parents!

I know the past few weeks we haven't had class frequently, but beginner French wrapped up 2019 on a strong note!

Right before our break, your students may remember that we drew a Thanksgiving banquet table with intermediate French and labeled our plats préférés des fêtes (favorite holiday dishes) en français.

Then this past week, we reviewed prepositions/position words with a two-class scavenger hunt and a modified version of the game "Ship and Shore" with French commands.

As fun review over the break, you can ask your students to sing you the French alphabet or teach you numbers 1-20 and play the "counting up" game from class. (If they need a reminder, we play this game by standing in a circle and having each student say one number as we count up, down, or by multiples of 2 or 3 in French).

After the long break, we'll ease back into French with some review games and new shape vocabulary!

Bonnes vacances, enjoy your vacations!

Enseignante Cate

Birch Lane Beg. Spanish - December

   See the source image

¡Hola padres de Birch Lane! Hello Birch Lane parents!

For the months of November and December, students have been learning different foods and food categories, as well as phrases to ask for food. 


The last week of class we also learned winter vocabulary.


We learned different foods for breakfast (desayuno), lunch (almuerzo), dinner (cena), dessert (postre), snacks (bocadillos), and drinks (bebidas). We also practiced ordering food with may I have... (Me podría dar...), please (por favor), and thank you (gracias). 

For winter vocabulary, we learned words such as winter, snow, ice, snowflake, snowman, hot chocolate, mittens, scarf, and so on.
Feel free to ask your children at home for extra practice!

Happy Holidays! 🎄

- Maestra Lorena

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Mid-December Post


These 2 weeks we have learned opposites, directions, and practiced asking questions. We have also learned some common names in Spanish. Below is a list of the vocab words we learned. We have also practiced making sentences and have continued reading a story every Thursday to practice comprehension and pronunciation. If it's possible, I would highly recommend all of you to practice pronunciation with your kids.   

Male names: Juan, Pedro, Jesús (Chuy) Female names: María, Andrea, Guadalupe (Lupe) Question words: quién, qué, porqué, dónde, cuál, cómo, cuándo  Opposites: grande/pequeño, cerca/lejos, adentro/afuera, mugroso/limpio, dulce/amargo, caliente/frío  Directions: arriba/abajo, izquierda/derecha/recto, al revés/adelante
This is an example of how to give directions in Spanish: A dónde voy? Voy a la tienda. Voy a la derecha, camino recto por 5 minutos y voy a la izquierda.
¡Gracias! ¡Que tengan un lindo día!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Int Spa - Birch Lane December Post

Hello everyone,

This December we went over the seasons such as, fall (otoño), winter (invierno), spring (primavera), and summer (verano) and we used them and what we had learned previously to make them into sentences. In these sentences, we combined the seasons and sports in Spanish which we had already learned. For example, some of the sentences the kids learned were, "En el verano juego futbol." (In the summer I play soccer.), another one was "En la primavera me gusta jugar baloncesto." (In the spring I like to play basketball.), and "En el invierno me gusta esquiar." (In the winter I like to ski.). Once they learned these sentences they created art with them as seen below.

The following week we learned some holiday vocab such as, Christmas (Navidad), Christmas tree (arbol de Navidad), presents (regalos), Christmas lights (luces de navidad), New Year (Nuevo Año), countdown (cuenta atras), midnight (medianoche), and celebration (celebracion). For this we also used vocab that we had previously learned to also create sentences. For example some of the sentences that they made were "Me gusta la Navidad por los regalos." (I like Christmas because of the presents." and "En el Nuevo Año tenemos una celebracion." (In the New Year we have a celebration.). Once they learned the sentences they made cards to take home to their families, as seen below. 

I wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS with your families!!!

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Beg./Int. ASL- Patwin- December Post

Hello Patwin ASL Parents!
In the past couple of weeks we have learned various meal and beverage signs. We learned signs such as meat, beef, fish, turkey, pork, spaghetti, hamburger, sushi, taco, cereal, bread, sandwich. We also learned signs such as dairy, yogurt, ice cream cheese and milkshake.

These are some of the student's art work. They created meat platters out of construction paper to represent the signs we learned. 

We also learned new phrases such as, I have .., I don't have ..., I like, I don't like.., I want..., I don't want.., my favorite.. Try asking them to sign their favorite fruit or their favorite food! 

In the upcoming weeks we will be continuing useful phrases such as ordering at a restaurant and starting animal signs.

I appreciate your support and would like to keep encouraging students to use their ASL outside of the classroom.  As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions, suggestions, comments or concerns. My email is 


Grecia Ortiz Flores 

Friday, December 6, 2019

December | Week 1

Buen Dia Padres!

As the children came back from the break, we used this week to review some of the prior material we've gone over. Some of the vocabulary they reviewed includes snacks such as galletas, papitas, and dulce (cookies, potato chips, candy); drinks such as agua, leche, jugo, te and cafe (water, milk, juice, tea, and coffee) other foods and some fruits and vegetables. This week we played pictionary and musical chairs but in the past we've also done group projects in which the students write as many vocab words they recall on a poster paper after a few minutes of review. We will probably do this for future reviews since they seemed to have enjoyed it in the past.

Here are some pictures of this activity:

Next week we'll be learning how to order the different foods we've learned in a restaurant setting. Thus look forward to it! Gracias!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

End of November Beginner French Post

Bonjour les parents!

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break, our class reviewed the "être"/"to be" verbs, practiced our position words, and learned how to name our favorite foods en  français!

And the week before the break, we teamed up with the Intermediate class to draw a Thanksgiving spread and labeled our favorite holiday foods. You can ask your students to name left-over dinde (turkey) and purée de pomme de terre (mashed potatoes) on their second week off from French!

Here we are decorating our banquet de Thanksgiving!

In the coming weeks we will take on the challenge of a scavenger hunt with position word clues and review fruits/veggies, colors, and some simple verbs with fun games you can play with your students at home. Ask them to teach you "J'espionne"/"I Spy" or "Simon Dit"/"Simon Says" to practice vocab at home!

À la prochaine!

--Enseignante Cate

Saturday, November 30, 2019

End of November Post


In the past few weeks, we have learned food vocabulary and the conjugations for gustar, comer, and beber. We have practiced using them in sentences.

Here is a list of the food vocabulary we learned.
la carne de res, el pollo, el puerco, la leche, la mantequilla, el yogur, la crema agria, el agua, la leche de chocolate, el jugo, el té, el café desayuno: hot cakes/panqueques, cereal, huevos (estrellados), tocino almuerzo: ensalada; caldo de pollo, bistec cena: arroz, pescado.botana: papas/papas fritas, queso, jamón, mango con chilepostre: helado de.., pastel de tres leches..., dona, malteada, galletas, dulces We also wrote stories on Wednesday and Thursday. There is a picture below. These are the stories before I corrected any errors. They are excellent, creative stories that were a pleasure to read. On Monday, I will hand back each story with the corrected grammar and I urge you to go over it with your child. Have them write it again while correcting their errors. This is a great way to learn. ¡Gracias! ¡Que tengan un lindo dia!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Int. French End of November Post

Bonjour Parents,
Recently in french we set up a scavenger hunt! Each team had 10 clues which involved house/building and placement vocabulary !
Here are some pictures from that activity!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mid-November Post: Int Spa Birch Lane Elementary

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing great. Just a quick update, our class is doing great. The kids have begun to create new games incorporating the target language with me. Last week we created the game around the world in class, which was like a board game, with the kids moving up the places, and completing the task they got in order to move up. This game helped us incorporate everything we have learned so far such as clothing, countries, verbs, sentences, sports, etc., in the target language. Recently we went over verbs in Spanish such as nadar (to swim), colorear (to color), gritar (to scream), leer (to scream), destornudar (to sneeze), dar (to give), atar (to tie), preguntar (to ask), saludar (to greet), etc., and the students created their own flashcard with the verb of their choice as seen below. This week we are going over conjunctions, and so far we are doing good, I will soon post if we create art with the conjunctions. Make sure to practice the target language with your kids! Ask them to teach you as practice :)

Cinthia Gonzalez
Int Spa Birch Lane Elementary

Friday, November 15, 2019

Beginner Spanish - Korematsu - Mid November Post

¡ Hola padres y madres de TALK!

Welcome to the blog:

This past two weeks the kids learned food related vocabulary. Below is a list of the words that they studied, so if you wish you can review it with them at home.  Also, I have attached some pictures of the children  making posters to go over  some of the vocabulary that they have learned. 

The children have been doing great, and they have retained a great deal of the vocabulary taught in class.

Next week, we will continue with the food theme, focusing on how to order food at a restaurant; to know how it goes, don't miss the next blog!

¡ Hasta la próxima! 🤗

-Maestra Yenifer 

Intermediate ASL - St James

Hi everyone,
This month of November, we have been learning about foods and drinks in anticipation of Thanksgiving coming up! Since the students already know most foods and drinks, we learned technical words such as measuring, cup, teaspoon, tablespoon, cook, mix, bake then sign, "1 tsp of sugar", "4 cups of meat", etc.

Have your child sign to you while you're cooking to test their knowledge!

Teacher Sarah :)

Mid-November Beginner French Update

Bonjour les parents, it's Enseignante Cate!

Over the past few weeks, we've learned how to conjugate the verb être, "to be", in French and reviewed most of our old vocabulary.

Ask your student to sing "Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est" to you, name the rainbow in French, or teach you how to play Simon Dit, "Simon Says".

We also played an obstacle course game with Intermediate French this week to introduce position words!

Next week, we'll learn Thanksgiving foods and more position words for a scavenger hunt game.

À la prochaine!

--Enseignante Cate

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Int French Mid November Post

Bonjour parents!
Lately we’ve been learning position words such as:

in front of
à droite de
à gauche de
à côté de
près de
loin de
au coin de
en face de
to the right of
to the left of
next to (beside)
far from
on the corner of
facing (across from)

Last week, we played a game involving the previous vocab we had learned like body parts and our new position words. The students had to act out crazy phrases like "Mon nez est sur mon estomac (My nose is on my stomach), J'ai 10 bras (I have 10 arms), J'ai des orteilles pour des doigts (I have toes for fingers)." It was a bunch of fun!

Here are some photos from class and other things we’ve done!

Au revoir!
Maitresse Ali