Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mid-November Post: Int Spa Birch Lane Elementary

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing great. Just a quick update, our class is doing great. The kids have begun to create new games incorporating the target language with me. Last week we created the game around the world in class, which was like a board game, with the kids moving up the places, and completing the task they got in order to move up. This game helped us incorporate everything we have learned so far such as clothing, countries, verbs, sentences, sports, etc., in the target language. Recently we went over verbs in Spanish such as nadar (to swim), colorear (to color), gritar (to scream), leer (to scream), destornudar (to sneeze), dar (to give), atar (to tie), preguntar (to ask), saludar (to greet), etc., and the students created their own flashcard with the verb of their choice as seen below. This week we are going over conjunctions, and so far we are doing good, I will soon post if we create art with the conjunctions. Make sure to practice the target language with your kids! Ask them to teach you as practice :)

Cinthia Gonzalez
Int Spa Birch Lane Elementary

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