End of October Post
I hope you all had a wonderful month of October, Halloween 🎃 👻 , and DÃa de Los Muertos! This past month we have gone over sports such as futbol (soccer), baloncesto (basketball), voleibol (volleyball), beisbol (baseball), tenis (tennis), golf (golf), softbol (softball), and gimnasia (gymnastics). With these words, we learned how to put them in a sentence "Me gusta jugar (sport in Spanish)." (I like to play (sport).) For this past week, we went over the meaning of El DÃa de Los Muertos, which is a tradition celebrated in Latin America. For this tradition, we remember those who have passed on and we put up an altar decorated with things such as; food, flowers (specifically the Marigold flower), skulls, candy, water, candles, etc,. In addition to learning the tradition we learned a few vocabulary words regarding the tradition such as; el candelero (candles), las calacas (skeletons), la calavera (skulls), el cemazúchil (marigold), el altar (the altar), and las ofrendas (offerings). We also learned how to say the sentence "Lo que me gusta mas de el Dia de Los Muertos es (vocabulary word)." (What I like most about el DÃa de Los Muertos is (vocabulary word).)Therefore, from this tradition and from what we learned we created our own drawn altar with the art that every student made. Below are a few pictures of our art and work. If you want to learn more about this tradition, a few movies I recommend you all watch with your children are Coco (2017) and The Book of Life (2014). I also encourage you all to practice the language at home with your children to have them better understand. Thank you all for your time! Feliz Noviembre!
Cinthia Gonzalez
Int Spa Teacher
Birch Lane Elementary
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