Friday, September 28, 2012

Primera semana de Octubre!

For next week, we'll continue to work on parts of the body. That's a crucial lesson when speaking a different language not only because of the visual reference to other lessons but also because it can become very practical when traveling. To my surprise not many children were aware of this topic, so I realized we needed one more week to learn well the names of different body parts.

Also, beginning next week, I'll be giving points for positive behavior in the classroom, and every Friday, I'll be hosting a mini-ceremony to hand out the awards in order to reward and reinforce those positive behaviors.

Here are the seven  recognitions ( yes, seven! so everyone can get one!) I'll be awarding:

And the award goes to...

1. who ever arrived early to class everyday. EL MAS MADRUGADOR AWARD
2.  who responded to Buenos Dias, Como estas? everyday BUENOS DIAS AWARD
3. who respected the teacher & students, was quiet & listen for instructions everyday. EL MAS RESPETUOSO AWARD
4. who was the most helpful during class. EL AYUDANTE AWARD
5. who participated the most. EL PARTICIPANTE AWARD
6. who help others & was friendly with classmates. EL AMIGABLE AWARD
7. who can tell most new vocabulary at the end of the week. YO SI APRENDI MUCHO AWARD

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