Saturday, September 27, 2014

Intermediate Spanish- Week 1 and 2

Hola, parents! 
My name is Cynthia, and I am the new intermediate Spanish teacher at the DAC. I plan to update  my blogs to keep you all up to date with the topics we are covering in class and everything that we have learn so far. Also, I will provide helpful links every once in a while if you would like to give your child extra practice. The first two of weeks, have been great. Getting to know your children has been amazing and appreciate your children's patience as we get the hang of things. The first week we had the beginning and intermediate class together just to evaluate their levels and see what they already know. My class knows quite a lot already, which I could not be any happier. So far, we've covered greetings, commands, colors and shapes. 

First week:
The first day we had a picture day. Analy, the led teacher made out a picture frame and we took everyones picture. We plan to do this again, at the end of the year.

Introduction phrases (“my name is ___, I am ___ years old, I am from___”

Actividades: Los estudiantes hicieron “self portraits” con las frases indicadas

-Jugamos con estas frases jugando con una pelota. Cada estudiante le tiraba la pelota a otro estudiante y tenia que escoger un frase para decir
-Introducion de (Hello, goodbye, good morning, good afternoon)
-Introudion de commandas ( Sit down, raise your hand, make a circle, how do you say?, no entiendo, I am sorry,  can I go to the bathroom)
Activadad: Jugamos Simon Says 

For Mexico's independence day we had the students do an art project that reflected Mexico culture

Viernes- Jugamos jeopardy para repasar todo la materia del la semana. Hice tres diferente categorías (con puntos cada tarjeta) con preguntas. Les pregunte como se decía ciertas cosas en español. Por ejemplo, (cuando te le levantas que es lo primero que le dices a tu papas?- Buenos dias) Divide los estudiantes en 2 groups y los deja usar  los “buzers” para responder. Los ninos/as se divirtieron mucho con el repaso ya que también hubo un pequeño premio para los ganadores.

Second week:
 Reposamos el vocabulario de la semana pasada
-Introducción de colores básicos (red, orange, yellow, green, blue
-Actividad: Los estudiantes dibujaran objetos/cosas del color indicado 

-Introducción de figures ( Square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon, octagon, hexagon, rhombus, diamond)

Actividad: Los estudiantes hicieron sus propias figuras con “contruction paper” para jugar. Puse las figuras en el piso y ya les decia cual figura pisar. El que no tenia una figura, esta fuera del juego. Los niños de divirtieron mucho con esta actividad ya que se estaban moviendo  y aprendiendo a la misma vez.

Activity: I had the students made an art project with the shapes that we covered . They all had the cut the shapes, color them and had to describe the shape in spanish/or say something about the shape .

The students had so much fun playing race with shapes. I had all the shapes put up in the wall and I had them race. I will called out a shape and whoever will bring up the card with the correct shape got a point. 

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