Friday, February 27, 2015

Intermediate Spanish DAC (week 1-3)

Hola padres!
Welcome back to a new semester! I’m so happy to have all my students again and ready to see your kids learn and grow! As always, I will update you all with everything we are doing in class such as vocabulary words, games we played, projects and helpful links to access at home. Remember to practice the vocabulary words/material at home with your kids! 

Week 1:
I decide to start the semester with some review! We covered different topics every day of the first week.

Animals- Animales

Animales de Bosque: Forest Animals
Oso- Bear
Mapache- Raccoon
Venado- Deer
Zorro- Fox
Ardilla- Squirrel 
Búho- Owl
Rana- Frog
Serpiente- Snake
Hormiga- Ants
Gusano- Worm

Mascotas- Pet Animals

Gato- Cat
Perro- Dog
Pez- Fish
Pájaro- Bird
Conejo- Bunny

Animales de granja- Farm Animales

Vaca- Cow
Gallina- Chicken 
Cerdo- Pig
Caballo- Horse
Obeja- Sheep
Cabra- Goat

Animales del Mar- Ocean Animales

Tortuga- Turtle
Tiburon- Shark
Pulpo- Octopus
Ballena- Whale
Delfín- Dolphin

Wild Animals
Tigere- Tiger
Leon- Lion
Puma- Mountain lion
Gorila- Gorila
Chango- Monkey

  Playing running tag with the animals (The students will run towards the animal I called in Spanish)

Celebraciones- Holidays

April Fool's Day- El Día de los Inocentes
Christmas- La navidad
Christmas Eve- la noche buena
Easter- La Pascua
Epiphany- Día de los Reyes Magos
Father's Day- El Día del Padre
Mother's Day: El Día de la Madre
New Year's Day- El Año Nuevo
Valentines Day: El día de san Valentin
Independence Day- Día de la Independencia
Thanksgiving- Día de acción de gracias
Day of the Dead- Día de los Muertos (1 November)
Day of children- El día de los niños 
Birthday- El cumpleaños
Party- Una fiesta
Wedding- La boda

Bingo with holidays: The students made their own bingo sheets for this game!

(our morning review with vocabulary)

(The kids get to keep notebooks where they write down all the vocabulary we have covered)

 Transportación- Transportation

Ambulance- La ambulancia
Fire truck- La bomba de incendios
Helicopter- El helicóptero
Motorcycle- La moto
Police car- El carro de policía 
Sports car- El carro de deportes
SUV- La camioneta  
Tractor -El tractor 
Limo- La limosina
Subway- El metro
Spaceship -La nave especial
Yacht - El yate

Four corners: In this game there was 4 chairs place in 4 corners with different vocabulary words. Each round, I will call out a vocabulary word in English and as a team the students will go around the classroom and try to find the word. Once they had the word, they had to say the word out loud in Spanish 

Familia- Family members

Papa- Dad
Mama- Mom
Hermano- Brother
Hermana- Sister
Abuelo- Grandpa
Abuela- Grandma 
Hijo- Son
Hija- Daughter 
Tío- Uncle
Tia- Aunt
Primo- boy cousin
Prima- girl cousin
Media hermana- half sister
Medio hermano- half brother
Bebe- Baby
Family chart!


Grapes-Las Uvas
Oranges- Las naranjas 
Apples- Las manzanas
Strawberries -Las fresas 
Bananas- Los plátanos 
Peaches- Los duraznos
Pears- Las peras
Pineapple- La piña 
Mango-El mango
Cherries- La cereza
Lemon- El limón 
Watermelon- La sandia
Grapefruit- Granada
Guavas- Guayaba

Carrots-La zanahoria 
Potatoes- Las papas 
Lettuce- La lechuga
Corn- El elote
Beans -Los frijoles
Onion- La cebolla
Spinach-La espinaca
Celery- El apio
Tomato-El tomate
Peas- Los chícharos

Diary items)- Productos Lacteos: 
Butter- La mantequilla
Milk- La leche
Cheese- El queso
Cream- La crema
Eggs- Los huevos 
Ice-cream -El helado
Yogurt- El yogur

Meats (carnes)
Beef- Carne de res
Pork- Cerdo 
Ham -Jamón
Turkey- Pavo
Fish- Pescado
Chicken -pollo

Bacon- tocino

 Review time: Tagging fruit cards with the correct picture 

Running game: The students will each get a card from a chair and will race to find the correct picture that matched with their card.

Week 2: Clothing-Accessories- Ropa
La camiseta- T-shirt
La blusa,- Blouse 
El suéter- Sweater 
La chaqueta- Jacket
El abrigo- Coat
La chaleco- Vest
El pantalón- Pants
La falda- Skirt
Los chores- Shorts
El traje- Suit 
El vestisto- Dress
Los calcetines- Socks
Los calzones- Underwear 
Los guantes- Gloves
La corbarta- Tie
La bufanda- Scarf
El cinturón- Belt
Lentes de sol- Sunglasses
Los zapatos- Shoes

El collar- Neckless
Los aretes- Earnings
El anillo- Ring
El sombrero- Hat
La bolsa- Purse 
El reloj- Watch
La pulsera- Bracelet

 Review clothing time!
 (game: tag with clothing). In this game the students were given sticky notes to write down clothing items in spanish to the right picture)

(Clothing project) The students got the chance to make their own collages

Clothing project: Making their own collages!

Week 3: Emociones
Me siento- I feel 
Estoy- I am

Triste- Sad
Feliz- Happy
Enojado/a -Mad
Sorprendido/a- Surprise 
Emocionado/a- Excited
Aburrido- Bored
Depremido- Depress 
Enfadado- Annoyed 
Avergonzado- Embarrassed
Confundidio/a- Confused 
Fustrado- Frustrated
Asustado- Scared
Nervioso- Nervous 
Orgulloso/a- Proud
Sensible- Sensitive

 Emotion charts!

(Memory game with emotions)

Guess my emotion silently: In this game the kids were given an emotion to act out and their team had to guess what emotion it was in Spanish 
Tag emotions!

 Reviewing our emotions!

                                  Happy Valentines day from us! (Feliz dia del amor y la admistad)

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