Saturday, December 5, 2015

DAC Intermediate French Weeks 6-10

Bonjour à tous!

It's been while since I last posted. We've covered a lot of material over the past month or two. We've covered opposites, Halloween, parts of the body, Thanksgiving, and the months and days of the week. As we head into our final week before winter break, we will be getting into the holiday spirit and do a few celebratory activities and finish with our "er" verbs that I started last week. Here's a list of the words that we've covered during weeks 6-10.

Les contraires:

Grand(e) - big/tall Petit(e) - small/short
Bon(ne) - good Mauvais(e) - bad
Près - near Loin - far
Dedans - inside Dehors - outside
Devant - in front of Derrière - behind
Sous - under Sur - on top of
À gauche - to the left À droite - to the right
Chaud(e) - hot Froid(e) - cold
J'ai chaud - I am hot J'ai froid - I am cold
Le jour - the day La nuit - the night
Fermé(e) - closed Ouvert(e) - open
Vite - fast Lent(e) - slow
Vide - empty Plein(e) - full
Plus - more Moins - less
Beaucoup - a lot Peu - little
Avant - before Après - after
Avec - with Sans - without
Vieux/vieille - old Jeune - young

L'Halloween: la sorcière, le fantôme, le soir, le ciel, le nuage, la lune, gris(e), sortir, j'ai peur, tu as peur, les méchants esprits, le monstre, le squelette, la peur, la citrouille, les bonbons, le chaudron, la chauve-souris, le hibou

During Halloween week, I showed the kids the same video that we watched last year. I've already posted the video and lyrics in this blog, but for the sake of simplicity, here it is again (without the refrain):

Les sorcières sortent le soir / The witches go out at night
Les fantômes aussi / The ghosts too
Le ciel est tout noir / The sky is all black
Les nuages sont gris / The clouds are gray
Est-ce que tu as peur / Are you afraid
Des méchants esprits? / Of mean spirits?
Ô Monsieur, oui, oui, oui, oui, oui! / Oh sir, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Pendant l'Halloween / During Halloween
Tu peux être ce que tu veux / You can be what you want
Un tigre féroce / A ferocious tiger
Ou un serpent bleu / Or a blue snake
Il se fait tard / It is getting late
Rentres-tu à la maison? / Are you going back home?
Ô Madame, non, non, non, non, non! / Oh ma'am, no, no, no, no, no!

La lune, elle est pleine / The moon, it is full
Le hibou, il crie / The owl, it screeches
De toutes les branches / From all the branches
Pendent des chauve-souris /Hang some bats
Est-ce que tu as peur / Are you afraid
De cette nuit? / Of this night?
Ô Madame, oui, oui, oui, oui, oui! / Oh ma'am, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Les parties du corps: la tête (the head), les cheveux (the hair), le cou (the neck), l'épaule (the shoulder), le bras (the arm), le coude (the elbow), la main (the hand), le doigt (the finger), la jambe (the leg), le genou (the knee), le pied (the foot), l'orteil (the toe), l'ongle (the nail), la queue (the tail), l'aile (the wing), le ventre (the belly/tummy), le dos (the back), le muscle (the muscle), la peau (the skin), le sang (the blood), l'os (the bone), le poumon (the lung), le foie (the liver), le rein (the kidney), le cerveau (the brain), nu(e) (naked), chauve (bald)

I showed this simply yet funny video when we were covering body parts. The kids got a hoot out of the wiggly muscles.

Tu as deux mains et deux pieds / You have two hands and two feet
Tu as deux jambes et un nez / You have two legs and one nose
Tu as une ventre et un dos / You have a belly and a back
Et des muscles sous la peau / And some muscles under the skin
Tu as une tête et un cou / You have one head and one neck
Deux oreilles et deux genoux / Two ears and two knees
Tu as deux yeux et deux joues / You have two eyes and two cheeks
Une bouche qui mange tout, et / A mouth that eats everything, and
Sous ta peau il y a des os / Under your skin, there is some bones
Des petits et des gros / Some small [ones] and some bigs [ones]
Des os, des os, il en faut / Bones, bones, we need them
C'est parce que tu as des os que... / It's because you have bones that
Tu as deux mains et deux pieds / You have two hands and two feet ainsi de suite

One peculiar thing about the French word for bone "os" is that its singular and plural forms, thought spelled the same, are pronounced completely differently. When used as a singular noun, it has an open "o" and the "s" is pronounced...the phonetic transcription would be /ɔs/. When used as a plural noun, the "o" is a closed vowel and the "s" is silent, pronounced /o/.

We divided the body parts unit into two weeks, the first of which we covered the basic body parts, the second of which we did some review and covered some of the items that we had missed, notably the organs and some of the facial features. Here are the words related to the face that we have covered thus far. Note that the French word "langue" (tongue) is the same as the word for language. And the word "dent" makes you think of going to the dentist! One other weird singular-plural transformation is the word "œil" (eye), which becomes "yeux" (eyes) in the plural form!

Le visage: l'œil (the eye), les yeux (the eyes), le cil (the eyelash), le sourcil (the eyebrow), la paupière (the eyelid), l'oreille (the ear), la joue (the cheek), le nez (the nose), la bouche (the mouth), la lèvre (the lip), la langue (the tongue), le dent (the tooth)

We did a few artsy activities during this unit, which also allowed us to review the animals. The first was an animal with three heads and two wings. The third was a bear without a brain (although according to the kids, brains falling out counts as no brain).

Un animal avec trois têtes et deux ailes.

Chloé et Victoria en train de dessiner.
Un ours sans cerveau...en principe...

Thanksgiving: la famille (the family), le pèlerin (the pilgrim), le repas (the meal), la fête (the celebration), la citrouille (the pumpkin), la tarte aux pommes (the apple pie), la purée (the mashed potatoes), la dinde (the turkey), donner (to give), manger (to eat)

Les mois de l'année: janvier (January), février (February), mars (March), avril (April), mai (May), juin (June), juillet (July), août (August), septembre (September), octobre (October), november (November), décembre (December)

Les jours de la semaine: lundi (Monday), mardi (Tuesday), mercredi (Wednesday), jeudi (Thursday), vendredi (Friday), samedi (Saturday), dimanche (Sunday)

On a side note, I'm surprised at how much the kids learn without even realizing it. Sometimes it takes a lot of prodding to get it out of them, but they are very smart! I will make another blog post very, very soon, within the next week, but until then, stay warm!

À lundi!

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