Friday, January 18, 2019

Beg. French- DAC- Mid January blog!

Bonjour tous le monde!

My first month teaching Beginning French at T.A.L.K. and meeting the students has been great!

Everyday, we begin by greeting each other with “bonjour” or “bon matin”, “ça va?”.
We also begin everyday by saying what day it is. For example: “Aujourd’hui, c’est vendredi le 18 décembre 2019” - today is Friday, January 18th (we change it to match every day). Sometimes the weekday or month is fill-in-the-blank and our class does a great job of remembering vocabulary! This way, we can review weekdays and months!

Ask your child what day of the week or what month it is in French! If you want to review, here are the terms we learned:
Image result for french days of the week chart
Everyone knows our weekdays pretty well but we never get to say Saturday or Sunday together in class so this is always good review at home! A good video is:

A tricky one to remember that could be good to review at home is how to say 2019. “Deux-mille dix-neuf”. Remember it now and you’ll be set for the rest of the year :)

Last week, as we returned from winter break we learned some useful winter vocabulary!
  1. Des moufles- mittens
  2. Un bonnet- warm hat
  3. Une écharpe- scarf

Our class made “des bonhommes de neige” (snowmen) and decorated them with the terms we learned.

Looking forward to the rest of the semester!
Eric's Bonhomme de Neige!

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