Monday, January 29, 2018

Patwin Beg ASL Week 16

Today, January 29, we started our new semester of TALK classes! The kids jumped right back into their ASL lessons with ease. This week, we’re learning standard conversations, such as sentences and questions like “how old you?” or “how-many-brother-sister-how-many-you?” This is great, because it’s starting to teach the kids more expressive sign rather than just vocabulary. For instance, they now know when signing a who, what, where, when, why, or how question, they have to scrunch their eyebrows down. But, when signing a yes or no answerable question, they have to raise their eyebrows. It’s so great to see them diving deeper into ASL! Below are some pictures of a game of BINGO we played today, a new favorite of the kids. First we played regular BINGO, then advanced to a Black Out round, where they had to get all of the words on their list!


Teacher Naira :)

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