Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pioneer Beginner Spanish Week 4-5

Hola parents,

Well, we just finished week four and about to enter week five!! Time goes by so fast! I am learning a lot about the kids and even more of those that stayed with me now that we separated classes. What I mean, is that Maestra Daisy and I divided the class into two equal sections and now half of the kids go with her and the other half stays with me. It took a while to get adjusted but it is slowly coming together. We eventually combine classes on some days of the week depending on the lesson plan we have scheduled and the kids like that a lot!

This past week, the kids were introduced to the colors: rojo (red), amarillo (yellow), verde (green), negro (black), azul (blue), and blanco (white). Also, the following shapes: círculo (circle), cuadrado (square), estrella (star), rectángulo (rectangle) , and triángulo (triangle). For them to practice their colors and shapes we taught them the song "De Colores" which talks about the colors, and had them play with different colored play-do. With the play-do their assignment was to demonstrate their understanding of the shapes by molding the shape I announced in Spanish. And they did an amazing job!!! I was so excited to see that they understood most of the shapes in Spanish!!  Maestra Auri is so proud of them all!!

Here is the video to the song "De Colores" in case you all want to practice it at home with the kids.

For week five, we will be learning the school supplies vocabulary like papel ( paper), borrador (eraser), lápiz (pencil), etc. We will have a scavenger hunt for these supplies so they can physically touch and hold these items as they learn the names to them in Spanish and we will also be doing some arts and craft utilizing again some of these school supplies. 

Muchas gracias padres!!! Thank you parents!!! 

Maestra Auri

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