Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pioneer Beginner Spanish week 4 & 5

Hola padres,

This past week we have been working on the colors and shapes which were; red (rojo), yellow (amarillo), green (verde), blue (azul), white, (blanco), black (negro), circle (círculo), square (cuadrado), traingle (triángulo), star (estrella), and rectangle (rectangulo). The kids have been learning these colors and shapes through the various activies that we had during week four. They have been playing games such as "I spy," "simon says," learning the song "de colores" and playing with play-do incorporating the shapes learned.

At home, you can help your child review the shapes and colors.

 colors: rojo, amarillo, verde, azul, blanco, negro
shapes: triángulo, estrella, cuadrado, círculo, estrella

This coming week (week 5) we are going to learn the school supplies such as paper (papel), ruler (regla), eraser (borador). pencil (lápiz) and scissors (tijeras). You could also try reviewing with them the school supplies that way it will make it easier for them to memorize it by the use of repetition. Some actvites that we are going to do is scavenger hunts with the school supplies being used in spanish.

You can check out the song we've been learning:)

Maestra Daisy:)

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